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PLATO Program
The University of Mississippi

$500.00 per semester for each faculty member who participates. Stipend is distributed through payroll.

What is required:

  • Instructor shares class report from adaptive courseware with SI leader each week to better target learning gaps in curriculum or pain points for class in understanding concepts.
  • The adaptive courseware must be integrated into course such that it provides content for and provides practice of key learning objectives on which students are assessed for 10% or more of their final grade. In other words, the courseware cannot simply be a homework tool, but must prepare students for exams and support the learning objectives of the entire course.
  • Weekly class reports generated through adaptive courseware must be shared with PLATO program manager each week. SI leaders must sign off on having weekly conversation either in person or online regarding weekly report.
  • Faculty must write up a one-page end-of-semester report on the effectiveness of using the weekly report to support SI.

Interested in participating? Email or